My mission is to support you in re-patterning toxic love patterns keeping you from a devoted partnership where passion and purpose can flourish! You are meant to thrive in love.

Hello there, I’m Olga Melina!

I have been working with women and couples to flourish in all areas of their life and relationships.

After a 10 year relationship that turned toxic, it took me 5 years to heal from the devastation and heart ache. Five years!

I became to determined to find ways to quickly turn things around and to help others not waste their precious time.

I found ways to draw from the lessons from the past and uncovered toxic love patterns that can save your heart and your relationship.

  Let's work together  

A few more fun facts about Olga if you're curious...

  • She was born in Greece, raised in NY, moved to Greece for high school, started with an associates degree in Psychology at C.W. Post in New York, and a Bachelors in Theatre from F.I.U in Miami.
  • Los Angeles was home, twice for a period of over 15 years. She was bi-coastal with New York for many years. Recently has moved & settled in Austin, Texas which she is proud to call home. She lives on the River and get to play out side every day.
  • In LA, Olga owned and operated a communal house, called The Honey Palace, a thriving community of heart-centered spiritual entrepreneurs. She hosted events, healing ceremonies, sound baths, fundraisers, woman's empowerment circles and some pretty fun parties!
  • She conquered her life long fear of spiders by actually petting a tarantula... twice. Her name was Rose. Olga still sends Rose Blessings.
  • Olga love to dance, lighting storms and always leave things better than she's found them. A life motto she lives and stands by.
  • Olga Joined the Screen Actors Guild & American Federation of Television and Radio Artists back in 2014
  • In another life time it seems, Olga worked as a bartender in Miami, LA and NY. This gig paid for her schooling, personal development and also her mortgages. She has been licensed as a RE appraiser, a RE agent, and also a financial planner.
  • She has dozens of Coaching, Healing & Business certifications. Has been actively doing personal growth along with coaching and leadership programs since 2003.
  • Olga made a handsome income by buying, flipping & managing close to a dozen properties, some of them doing hands on labor like tiles, crown molding and fun things like breaking down walls. This allowed her to spend time and resources developing herself, following her dreams and also helping others.

"I am living the love life of my dreams!" Let's work together and make this heart centered, soul aligned mission your reality.

Let's Connect Now!